Haciendas – A Parade of Homes, 505-982-1774 - http://www.santafehometour.com
Santa Fe Homes Builders Association, 505-982-1774 - http://www.santafehometour.com
Construction Industry Division - http://www.roofingcode.com
John Di Janni Homes, http://www.johndijanni.com/
Renaissance Builders, 505-489-1000 http://www.renaissancecustomhomes.net/albuquerque/
Manuel Hernandez Construction, (505) 438-0486
Liason Planning Services, Dolores Vigil , 505-424-0693
Felix Hernandez, Excavation, Backhoe, Septic & Pumping Sevices, 505-490-2884
Ferrel Gas, 505-471-2663
Plants of the Southwest, 505-438-8888
The Firebird – stove, fireplace, irrigation specialists, 505-983-5264
Excel Roofing, 505-795-5085
Mike Lopez Roofing, 505-982-8262
Brian McPartlon Roofing, 505-982-6256
Professional Air Testing Services, 505-474-4200
Mr. Handyman, Donald Shiker, 505-438-4533
AB1 Locksmith, 505-983-2690
Honey Do Home Repair, 505-992-8382
National Router, plumbing, 505-474-2929
Guardian Home & Petcare, 505-820-6015
Merry Maids, 505-989-3240
NM Pest Control, 505-474-5972
Action Appliance, 505-984-1777, 471-3177
Superior Garage Doors, 505-660-7207, 473-4180
Eloy Griego, solar window maintenance, 505-490-0680
Ernie Jimenez, roof maintenance, handy man, 505-920-4879
Sundog ScoopDeDoo, 505-424-DOGS
Quality Oriental Rug Services, 505-989-1232, 577-6577
Thompson Wells, 505-982-2000
Kuckelman Pump Service, 505-438-6014
Boylan Drilling, 505-982-1564
Donald Shiker, Mr. Handyman, 505-660-4846
Frank Ondrusek, 660-7126
Marco Darley, 988-9768
Vicinte Valdivia, 473-1868
Rogelio, 660-1234
Peggy Kornman, 473-1569
Ray Garza, 204-4262
James Mokres, 471-2962
Terry Northway, 470-7663
Fred Vigil, 982-8717
Anthony Padilla, ADP Builders, 995-1156